Brind'Amour is all dolled up in his scrub gear that Becky got him and ready to save some lives!
Time has been flying by over here! It seems like the day is half over by the time I can get in the shower and get dressed! Yesterday we took a trip to see Ted in his office and show the little guy off--he was a hit!
Other than that we've been hanging around doing housework and yard work. Ted did some great landscaping over the weekend and I planted some flowers, so the yard it looking pretty nice. The weather is starting to cool down to "tolerable" down here, so we're definitely more interested in being outside.
Grandma Pam is looking for some more pictures of the little guy, so I'll make a point to take some today to post. In the meantime, here's one from yesterday that we sent to Ted at the office:

Also, here's one that Ted wanted to send to one of his crazy friends:
1 comment:
I've got to teach Stosh the words to that old favorite: Who Stole the Kieshka?"
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