It's hard to believe it was only a week ago that I was still very pregnant and on the way to the hospital to get the ball rolling. The time flies seems like we've had this little guy home longer than just a few days. All is going well on this end. We're getting some good sleep the past couple of nights and the days are spent taking quick outings and starting at his mug. We had a professional photo shoot this morning and decided to take some pictures of him ourselves after it was over. I want to play around with them in photoshop when I get a chance, but here's a cute one:
We started using cloth diapers on Monday and things are going really well on that end. We came home with a few disposables from the hospital and had a few on hand that we had been given and had nothing but blow-outs and were not impressed. Now we're using Gerber Birds Eye prefold cloth diapers with Bumkins diaper covers and it rocks our world. Just as easy as disposables, as far as we're concerned and we're not changing as many sheets. :)
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