The party was an absolute riot on Saturday. We had great weather and a nice turnout. Probably about 25-30 people all together. A lot of people came and went throughout the evening, but there was a group of about 10 of us that were around for the duration. Some kids came, so Ted and I moved the cars out of the driveway and broke out the sidewalk chalk, which was a big hit. Ted moved up even higher on the appreciation ladder when he broke out his stash of fireworks! We all ooohed and aahhhed as he lit one after the other in the driveway. So much fun!
We got some wonderful gifts from people including a lot of flowers, gift cards, and a chia pet! We spent Sunday recapping the event as we lounged around--until we saw an unknown vehicle pull up in front of the house. Turned out to be two members of the home owner's association! They disguised their visit as a "welcome to the neighborhood" visit, but Ted and I had to giggle as they eyeballed the pile of spent fireworks in our driveway covered in chalk drawings...
Love the Party sign in the road- how great is sidewalk chalk?! Looks like you guys had a great turnout, and great weather, so jealous!
Sorry Susan and missed the event, actually Ted's lucky I did not show up. I would have had to cite him for performing a fireworks show without a burn permit!! ha ha! Your house looks great. We'll have to do a make up and get together for burgers on the grill.
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