Being out in the sun all weekend has made me exhausted. Ted had a school project to work on today, so I was out in the yard solo finishing up yesterday's project. I think it has turned out pretty well. We'd like to find something to use as a border, but are both very picky about what to use, so we'll have to take some time to find the right stone or brick. It's amazing what a little landscaping can do for a yard though and I'm looking forward to tackling some more projects in the future.

Here's a look at Ted's magazine holders all stained and being utilized! He did a great job! Next up, shelves for the garage??
that looks way homier now. fun times :)
Awww man, I want cool magazine holders like that! Mine are cardboard cheapies from IKEA and they're looking a little worse for wear.
Tell Teddy to send Teague the directions - maybe I'll get them for Christmas or something ;)
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