Unfortunately for Ted and I, the visitor season has ended for us. We ended on a high note, however, as Ted's mom and step-father were in town over the weekend. It was their first visit to see us down south and their first in-person glimpse of the house. It was great to have them in town and great for Ted's mom to be here on Mother's Day! We spent the majority of the weekend lounging about the house, mostly in our pajamas. It was great to just sit around and talk. There was terrible rain this weekend which spoiled any plans for outdoor activities, but we had a riot just the same.
We got an early wedding gift as well...a new grill! Ted and I have been eyeing grills since the weather started getting warm down here. I'm not sure if Pam and Jerry new how much we were dying to have our own grill, but they surprised us by taking us out to get one on Friday night! We got a sweet Weber grill from Lowe's. We haven't had a chance to fire her up yet, but we stocked up on grill-ables at the grocery store last night, so I have a feeling that the time is coming to give it a test run!

In Lawn News, Ted and I have been noting that "it looks like we've grown some grass" as we walk past the front lawn these days. There are still some patchy spots, however, so I wasn't sure that much had grown at all since our seeding a couple of weekends ago. Then I looked at the pictures! My goodness! We've had some serious progress...

We'll have to do another seeding this week or weekend (along with some mowing and weedwhacking...we won't get lawn of the month if we keep going like this!), but there has been some definite growth!
Last, but not least, some more pictures of the cats being nutty.
1 comment:
If you close that box and write "return to sender" on it, I will be the proud new owner of one Mortimer P. Kittycat.
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