Baby B is growing steadily and is getting more difficult to distinguish on ultrasound because not all of the parts fit on the screen at once! Here's a nice recording of the heartbeat--a healthy 145 beats per minute.
I ate a sugar cookie just before we did this ultrasound today and Baby B was on a sugar high moving all over the place. It's just amazing how big it's getting. Measured almost 9cm from head to add a bit more for the feet!
Apparently our baby is being delivered from outer space:

And is a giant...look at the size of that arm!:

And finally, something that truly resembles a baby:

Well, I'm in my second trimester now. 15 weeks along tomorrow and Baby B is right on track. In my case, it's true what they say: you start to get some energy back in the second trimester. Case in point: it's 8:23pm, and I'm still awake. Another example? I got on the treadmill Sunday for the first time since January. I'm so sore I can barely walk, but it did feel good to get some exercise. We went to Babies R Us on Saturday and started getting some ideas about what, in fact, the difference is between a "car seat" and an "infant carrier" and to try to figure out how to operate a stroller. It was pretty fun. I think we'll get the hang of it.
In other baby news, I got some test results back and it does not appear that baby B has any neural tube defects, so that's good. In bad news, the paint I ordered for the nursery looks more like "my old neon green windbreaker" than "Bok Choy." Hmmm. We appear to be back at square one in regards to room decor, which makes my nesting side go bonkers because I JUST WANT TO DECORATE ALREADY! The fam arrives on Friday, however, and Teaguer will be building the nursery wall/door, so that will be the biggest first step.
What else do we do with ourselves? We're still pretty much the same old Ted and Eilis, I just sleep more than usual. We have been laying low lately because I haven't felt the greatest and Ted has been super busy with school. We are starting to fill up our calendars with activities though.
1 comment:
Whoever said that sugar doesn't have an effect on babies is a dumb head! I can't believe how clear that your photos are!
Here's a site with all kinds of
cute baby footprint and handprints craft ideas and
pictures of decorated nurseries if you need inspiration.
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