


Jaime said...

Hang in there! :)Thinking of you guys.

Beekeebear said...

You need to teach that kid the value of punctuality.

Anonymous said...

The lack of punctuality, admittedly, might be coming from its paternal genes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ted~you were born 6 wks early!

Simply John said...

Susan and I are pulling for you. Word on the street is all you need to do is eat pineapple or black licorice or other more personal things listed on:

Anonymous said...

Seriously Eilis come on. Don't you know some crazy dr. remedy to make this go faster :)

Unknown said...

rasberry tea, my midwife used to tell everyone to drink it. Tradtional rasberry tea bags. It must be a little boy because we passed this month full moon. You will be fine, love, Jackie

Stephanie Mac said...

This is the most perfect picture ever.