Lot 152: From The Ground Up.
An archive of the building of our very first home...from the ground up.
Maggie Mason started a life list. I've been inspired by this. I started noting things in my head that I'd like to do in my lifetime, but it's getting hard to remember them all. So this blog will take yet another turn and be a place to document my list and to cross things off as I do them. Actually, instead of crossing them off, I'm going to highlight them. Here's to the memories...
1. Participate in a flash mob
2. Live in another country for a month or more.
3. Run a 5K
4. Run a 10K
5. Take my kids to their first theme park for their first rollercoaster ride
6. Live in the country
7. Start an organic farm
8. Raise chickens
9. Learn to knit
10. Learn to crochet like my Grandmother did
11. Make dresses for Eulie
12. Coach a team
13. Meet somewhere fun for a girls' weekend
14. Play ice hockey
15. Grow my own tomatoes
16. Lose this baby weight
17. Take Ted to Ireland
18. Take Ted to London
19. Pay off my student loans early
20. Take the kids camping
21. Take the kids to at least 5 National Parks
22. Go fishing in Alaska
23. Be in a play as an adult
24. Go to NYC on our anniversary
25. Do something with our current backyard
26. Participate in a protest against Monsanto
27. Switch to all green cleaning products
28. Switch to all green cosmetics/toiletries
29. Know how to make pierogi by heart
30. Train for and finish a sprint triathalon
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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
We took Brind'Amour on his first vacation to the beach last week and had an absolute riot. He loved the ocean and the sand and we also spent some quality time in the pool. He's really loving swimming these days...I think he thinks he can do it all himself now because he pushes you away if you try to snuggle him on your shoulder...he only wants you to hold him on his belly in front of you so he can kick and paddle! Too cute.
We also celebrated Ted's 40th birthday while we were there. It was so nice to have a long relaxing family vacation together. Our first and only before we become a family of 4! Gah!
Brind'Amour is doing more and more every day. He can climb the stairs by himself without a problem. He's cutting his first tooth. He prefers the same food Ted and I are having for dinner rather than pureed baby food. He's babbling constantly and gesturing. You can tell he's trying so hard to communicate with us. His vocabularly consists of Da Da, Na Na (that's me), Kitty Cat, Oh my Goodness, Uh oh, Oh, and Oh God. It's hilarious. I think he tried to say chicken last night too, which was funny. He's not walking on his own, but loves to tool around with some assistance. He's preferring that to crawling these days. I'm looking forward to when he can walk unassisted...my back!
He just gets cuter and cute and more and more fun. We're having a blast with him.

I'm 28 weeks along with our little baby girl and we went for some 3D ultrasound pictures. She was very cooperative and even was showing off smiling at us. She is going to be a cutie just like her brother...we can see the same full lips and cheeks that Brind'Amour has. She also appears to have a trait from Ted and his Mom...her first toe is longer than her big toe on both feet! The tech also pointed out that she has some hair. Not much at this point, but it's visible and she has 12 more weeks to pile it on, so I think she'll have a head of hair on her as well. We're getting pretty excited and can't wait to meet her!
Our little guy will be 9 months old in a couple of days...can you stand it? He's still as good-natured as ever. He's getting to the age where he gets frustrated when he can't have/do what he wants and will throw a quick tantrum consisting of banging his hands on whatever flat surface he's hanging onto, but he's still pretty easily distracted and comforted which is nice. We're loving the crawling/cruising stage because he can easily entertain himself and it gives us a chance to get some things done while he's playing. He still eats like a horse and has the rolls to prove it. We've been making his food for him instead of buying jars of food and it is a riot. He's got quite the little palate! We just introduced him to yogurt and he's loving it. I thought he might barf a bit with yogurt because I wasn't sure if he had a lactose/milk protein issue, but I think his barfing has more to do with thin consistency at this point. Since we changed him to the Enfamil AR formula he doesn't spit up much at all, and so far he has kept all of his yogurt down. He's had some meat here and there and I want to get more of that into his diet. I'm also trying to get him to get used to finger foods such as cheerios, but he hasn't quite grasped the idea yet.
With all the cruising he's doing I think he'll be walking soon...lately he's been content to hold onto things with one hand, and I even saw him take the one hand away for a second the other day. He promptly fell, but still. He's getting here.
Here's some recent videos for your enjoyment.
Brindy Eats Camera from Eilis B on Vimeo.
Brindy walks with Daddy from Eilis B on Vimeo.
In pregnancy news, I'm 24 weeks along and doing pretty well. Starting to get achy and uncomfortable, but chalking it up to "same old, same old." We've got Brindy in his "big brother room," and the nursery is almost restocked and ready to go for Baby Girl B's arrival. We are getting really excited to meet her and get this whole "family unit" thing rolling. :)